Sunday, May 3, 2009

I am the face of the new Republican Party!

For too long the group of republicans that have lead the party for the last 100 years, with very few exceptions have played the same game the democrats have been playing, which is to buy votes and popularity with entitlement programs, while those of us who believe in the Constitution, and the principles the founders framed in the Constitution, are left with the choice of the lesser of two evils. This last presidential election is a perfect example of the non-choice that the American people truly have, when it comes to party choice. If you put the candidates platforms side by side there is almost no difference between the two other than degrees. We are even being told now by many republicans on the national stage that the reason we are losing is because we have become too "conservative", as if any time in the last 20 years we have had a principled leader of our party who stood on principle.

-We are told that we should take a softer line on gay marriage, as if it has not been struck down by the popular vote of one of the most liberal states in the union, and that is what is causing our downfall as a party.

-We are told we should take a softer stand on illegal immigration, where we should give all people who are here, breaking our law, a path to citizenship, regardless of their ability to create value for our country by being here.

-We are told by many in our party "the government has to do something" with what is going on with our economy, as if by the government removing wealth from the most productive citizens and businesses of the country and reallocating that money to the least productive citizens and businesses of the country is going to improve our economic situation.

-We are told we should "go green" and invest in green technology, which in many cases we are doing it, if nothing else, for the show of it. As if there has ever been a major technological break through in any industry supported by the government.

-We are told to be outraged, not at government, but at wall street, and the executives of all major corporations, especially those evil bankers, as if it wasn't the federal mandates that forced the banks to give a certain number of sub prime loans to low income families.

-We are told if we would be just a little bit more like the democrats we will start winning again, as if we are ever going to win the "bribe war" by offering less than the democrats in entitlements.

I am not going to take it any more, I am personally reclaiming the republican party from the posers who have claimed the face of the party since the beginning of the 1900's. Just today in the Washington Times there was an article about an event where some leaders of the republican party spoke, and former republican governor of Florida, Jeb Bush went so far as to say the party should"give up its "nostalgia" for the heyday of the Reagan era and look forward, even if it means stealing the winning strategy deployed by Democrats in the 2008 election" ( ). Reagan didn't win in landslide victories by promising additional entitlements, or compromising principles, he won by promising to get the government the hell out of the way of the private citizens of this country, and taking us back to a country that would follow the principles articulated by our founders. He didn't promise to make more cabinet positions, departments or "Czars" but to eliminate all departments that fall outside the bounds of the Constitution.

I am beginning the new revolution within the republican party, I will stand on principle, and ask all those who believe the principles that the founders of our great country espoused, and articulated in our Constitution, to join me in fighting those who would rule over us as tyrants and who expect our consent because they are filling our pockets and bellies by the sweat of others brow. Stand up and be heard, there is a ground swell approaching, and we saw a glimmer of it on tax day this year when hundreds of thousands gathered to let all who would listen know that though we love our great and peaceful country, we love freedom and liberty more, for these are the principles that this country was founded on and any who seek to take this from us will not be tolerated.

Join me in overthrowing the republican establishment, lets take back the party of principle, and by so doing get the country back on the path the founders intended and may God prosper us.

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